Sparrow Identification Chart

Sparrows are small brown or gray colored birds you often see chirping in your garden or backyard. These tennis ball sized birds are found across all the continents in the world and are therefore particularly famous among bird lovers.

The scientific name of these birds is Passer Domesticus. Sadly, these birds are often given less importance and their species are often confused with the other birds. You can’t blame them, with over 130 species of Sparrows how can you not!

For the love of Sparrows we have curated the Sparrow identification charts below to give you a better understanding of its various species.

Types of Sparrows

According to The International Ornithological Committee (IOC) there are almost 138 species of Sparrows in the World which are distributed among 30 genera. Regardless of the type of the sparrow these birds are small in size and weigh less than half an ounce on average.

Different species of Sparrows differ on the basis of their crown and throat structure. You can also use these distinctive features to identify between the male and female Sparrows. Typically these birds have strong and short beaks to crack open nuts, eat seed and to catch insects.

The most common type of Sparrow you might find is the House Sparrow which is approximately 16 cm long and weighs between 0.85 to 1.39 oz. Have a look at the various other common types in the Sparrow identification chart pdf given below.

Sparrow TypeRegion FoundDistinct Characteristics
House SparrowWorldwideSmall size, gray-brown plumage, black bib on males
Song SparrowNorth AmericaStreaked brown plumage, long tail, melodious singing
White-crowned SparrowNorth AmericaBold black and white head stripes, grayish-brown back, pink bill
Chipping SparrowNorth AmericaRust-colored crown, black eyeliner, clean gray underparts
Tree SparrowEurasiaBrown upperparts, whitish underparts, distinct black cheek spot
Field SparrowNorth AmericaPlain grayish-brown plumage, pink bill, pinkish legs
Lincoln’s SparrowNorth AmericaBuffy face with fine streaks, brown back with darker streaks
Savannah SparrowNorth AmericaStreaked brown upperparts, pale underparts with fine streaking
Fox SparrowNorth AmericaRusty plumage with heavily streaked underparts, large bill
Vesper SparrowNorth AmericaStreaked gray-brown upperparts, white eye-ring, white outer tail feathers
Swamp SparrowNorth AmericaRich chestnut plumage, gray face, bold white throat stripe
Brewer’s SparrowNorth AmericaPlain gray-brown plumage, small bill, pale stripe above eye

Also read: Hummingbird Id Chart

House Sparrow Names in Different Languages and Regions

A House Sparrow is a famous species of the bird Sparrow that belongs to the Old World Family of Sparrows. These birds have a distinctive black bib on their chest while their female counterparts have brownish-gray chest which is not so vibrant. 

This species of the world is widely across all continents and have different names in different regions. If you are a bird enthusiast then you are in luck because we are unraveling the famous House Sparrow names in different languages.

EnglishHouse Sparrow
SpanishGorrión Común
FrenchMoineau Domestique
ItalianPassera Comune
RussianДомовый воробей
Hindiघरेलू गौरैया
Arabicعصفور البيت
TurkishEv Serçesi

Also read: Owl Identification Chart

Male and Female Sparrow Identification

Both the genders display distinct behaviors with all the Sparrow species. However, some may have similar coloring and markings making it difficult to identify them. Here is a Sparrow id chart illustrating the 4 distinct characteristics that can help you differentiate between male and female Sparrow:

Plumage and colorationMale Sparrows are more vibrant, with dark heads, streaks of chestnut, and black throat bands. Male Sparrows are more vibrant, with dark heads, streaks of chestnut, and black throat bands. Male Sparrows are more vibrant, with dark heads, streaks of chestnut, and black throat bands. Male Sparrows are more vibrant, with dark heads, streaks of chestnut, and black throat bands. Male Sparrows are more vibrant, with dark heads, streaks of chestnut, and black throat bands. – Female Sparrows have brown heads and pale brown throats.
SizeMales tend to be slightly bigger than females in various species. – Median mass for both sexes is approximately 1.1g, with young birds being smaller. – Young male Sparrows are larger in winter, while young females may grow bigger in the breeding season.
BeakBeak size and shape may differ between males and females. – For example, male House Sparrows have slightly larger beaks than females.
BehaviorMales may display changing behavior during the breeding season, including singing or displaying to attract mates.

Also read: House Sparrow Egg Id Chart


Sparrows are the birds that are very popular and their popularity can be traced back to ancient Greek where they were associated as Aphrodite, the goddess of love, due to their perceived lustfulness.

If you are a bird lover then you have so many species of Sparrows that you can explore. To know more about the different species of this chirping little bird follow the Sparrow identification chart above.

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